Congratulations, graduates!
Congratulations to the most recent graduates of jobPath! This employment readiness program delivers information about the practicalities in securing employment, such as preparing resumes or learning about health and safety, while also providing participants with an opportunity to obtain a better understanding of relationships, communications and themselves. Congratulations to Jonathan, David, Allyson, Kathryn, Mark, Mike, Dalton, Tianna (not shown) and Darrin (not shown)!
For the nine people who just received their certificate of completion, through the EMPLOYMENT network, they are now employment-ready. Now it is up to them to start their job search and obtain employment. The EMPLOYMENT network staff remain as mentors to them. jobPath is for youth and adults supported by the EMPLOYMENT network, a division of Community Living Algoma. Program facilitators are Sergio Iacoe (Manager of Inclusion – Education & Employment), Rocco Martone (Employment Advisor) and Dave Mornix (Employment Advisor).